Friday, February 1, 2008

what are body builders?

Have you ever came a cross some one you may not know or do know who was missing a arm or a leg? I can say that i had a few times in my life. Well a guy by the name of Brian who is 18 years old is one of those 1.8 million people who lost limb.
But thanks to the invention of prosthetic legs he is now able to live his life as a normal person.
The art of math science and the dedication of researchers, together they make to possible for millions of people to live normal lives like every one else. when prosthetic first can out it was only for walking and moving around but now reacher's now are making a move to adding a sense of touch to the posses.
Having a career in this field is not only just a joy but its helping those individuals have another chance to do what they want to do with out relying on other people to help them and giving them there independence once more.

My opinion on what the researchers are doing is it's an awesome job. i have a brother that is over seas fighting in the war, if any thing where to ever happen (heaven forbid) i would want him to do all the things that he loves doing with out having the feeling that he has to depend on other people to do the things that he love! .