Monday, January 14, 2008

Building Sand Castles in Hollywood

What the main Point? Summarize in one sentence.
The main point in the story is about a career in building a set for many shows and movies in Hollywood.

Discuss: Why does Rob Neill compare building sets for television to building sand castles?
The way that Rob Neill compares building a set and a sand castles is after you complete your project you have to take it down or take it apart.

Describe the steps along the construction career ladder and the increasing amount of responsibility that comes with each position.
1. carpenter "hammer" what this person does is do everything that needs to be hammered. . . like windows, frames etc.
2. gans boss. is the lower supervise who still has to do construction work as well.

3.foreman. they are project managers who use blue prints to see what equipment is needed coordinator. they are the top of the construction latter! they are in charge of hiring.

How does this article relate to you? Like, dislike, interesting, not interesting?

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